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The Legacy of Cabin O’ Pines

More than a Century of Family, Tradition, and Growth


Thomas and Ida Plii, (parents of Helia and Matt) traveled a two-day journey from Virginia to Tower, first, by train and then across Lake Vermillion by boat. They continued to travel up the Vermillion River, to the Pelican River and into Pelican Lake in search of a homestead on the south shore of Pelican Lake. Their homestead was built at the present resort location. A Sauna (always the first structure built on a Finnish homestead) was erected; a cabin and several outbuildings were added in subsequent years. Indigenous people would often camp where Twin Pines (Cabin #3) now stands on their journeys between Lake Vermillion and Nett Lake.


The Virginia and Rainy Lake Lumber Co. pushed the railroad to Orr bringing thousands of men, and many immigrants to work in the surrounding forests. The Virginia & Rainy Lake Lumber Co. was the largest on Earth, producing on average a million board feet of lumber a day, seven days a week. Production on such a vast scale required an enormous supply of virgin white and red pine harvesting a total of four billion board feet over a 20-year period. With the influx of rowdy lumberjacks, Orr was a very rough and tumble town. Public drunkenness, gambling, fights, murders and prostitution were all part of the lawlessness of the area.


Picture Above: Original Trading Post After Conversion into Duplex

A trading post was soon constructed, selling to and trading with the local loggers and Indigenous people in the area. Today, My Northern Home (Cabin #1) sits on the site where this (above) trading post once stood. Trading and carpentry were the primary sources of income for Thomas. He constructed many boats in a workshop where Twin Pines (Cabin #3) is now. Thomas was also noted for building several schools around the Orr area.

Picture Above: Fishermen with nice next catch next to big rock (by the Horseshoes pits). Outhouse and Blacksmith shop in background c. Late 1920s.


Picture Above: Thomas Plii w/ handmade boats pulled up on logs for a dock, current beach area c.1920s

Our current Sauna was built, (the third one to occupy this site) as the first two were destroyed by fire. This one, however, has fared rather well and still warms chilled bones to this day. Matt (son of Thomas and Ida) fit right in growing up in the lawless area around Orr. He busied himself making moonshine, gambling, getting into gunfights and consequently spending lots of time in Virginia jails. Meanwhile, Helia worked in the logging camps, ran a trapline, helped Thomas tend the farm, and played hostess to the guests who came from the Iron Range to fish on Pelican Lake.


Picture Above: Mike Terska and Helia Terska (née Plii) standing on the doorstep of the former milk house.

Mike Terska was one of those young guests who came to the homestead on Pelican Lake to picnic and fish. Taking a liking to Helia, Mike soon asked for her hand in marriage. After the wedding Helia moved away from thehomestead to Mike’s family farm in Lindon Grove about 20 miles south. Mike and Helia had two children, Delores and LeRoy. Sadly, the workshop located, where Twin Pines (Cabin #3) now stands, was destroyed by fire. The fire also destroyed a large boat that was still under construction, a new marine engine and all of Thomas’s tools. Thomas, now ailing, offered the homestead on Pelican Lake to Mike and Helia. They quickly began making improvements to the farm. Because there was a growing demand for a place to stay while working, hunting,fishing or trading in the area, they turned the Trading Post into a duplex cabin. Those accommodations were well received by guests who had previously bunked down in the milk house, the barn and anywhere else they could find a spot.


Picture Above: A view of the central resort grounds, featuring [from left to right] the Milk House, Homestead/Store, and the Original Log Homestead Cabin (c.mid-1930s).

The couple began renting out the old Trading Post, now a duplex, along with two wooden boats Thomas had built and christened, “Little Eva” and “Tar Baby”. The milk house was relocated and converted into a cabin as well.

Pic Above: Wooden Cabin O' Pines boat pulled up on beach with catch of the day (c. late 1930s)
Cabin O Pines Historic Pic of Lots of Caught Fish Wooden Boat Pelican Lake MN


Picture Above: Cabin O' Pines guests pulling up a wooden boat after a day on the lake (c. 1940s)

The duplex was moved and four log cabins were built to house the growing demand for lodging in the area. More wooden boats were added to the rental fleet and docks constructed. The cabin that once stood over the root cellar was moved to its new location, becoming Hilltop (Cabin #9).

Pic Above: My Northern Home (Cabin #1) originally rented for $25/week in the early 1940s.


Picture Above: (Left to Right) Delores Coyer, Helia Terska, Mike Terska, LeRoy Terska in front of the Store with My Northern Home (Cabin #1) in the background.

Norway Pine (Cabin #4) and White Pine (Cabin #5) were purchased and moved across the ice from Orr Bay. The ice house, fish cleaning house and docks were added soon after. A 32-volt electrical system was installed bringing the luxury of electricity to the homestead. The neighbors pooled their resources and helped install a new party-line phone system for the area. The milk house was moved and the floor plan was expanded becoming Cabin #7 (Norway Pine). The duplex floorplan was also expanded becoming Pine Cone (Cabin #8). And in 1946, a 115-volt system was installed replacing the 32-volt system. Things were rapidly changing for the little homestead that was claimed by Thomas and Ida. A Resort was being born.

Picture Above: Mike Terska "Putting up Ice" in the Ice House, c. 1940s
Picture Above: A great day on the sandy, swimming beach c. mid-1940s


Picture Above: Terska's new home built by Mike Terska completed in 1950 (now Splitrock)

A boathouse was built to store the boats during the winter, during the summer it was used for square dancing. During these years another cabin was built just west of the boat house along Pelican Lake becoming Trails End (Cabin #10). And in 1949 the Rural Electric Co-op Association came through with power for all, no more relying on generators!

Pic Above: Main Dock in the early-1950s with the wooden boat fleet. The Motor Shed in the background still stands today.
Picture Above: Original Homestead / Store with new Terksa home (now Splitrock) in the background c. early 1950s

Late 1950s

Picture Above: Cabin O' Pines guest with nice catch on Main Dock with two Lone Star aluminium boats.

The wooden boats were high-maintenance so new Lone Star aluminum boats replaced them. Additionally, new rental motors (3, 5 and 7.5 hp) were added.


Pic Above: "WOAH!"

Mike passed away leaving Helia to run the resort by herself. Their son, LeRoy and his family purchased Cabin O’ Pines and moved back from California to continue the family tradition of running the resort. In 1966, LeRoy replaced the old homestead/store with a new split level home/lodge, and it remains the Main Lodge you visit today.

Pic Above: Main Lodge as it looked from 1966-late 1970s

Late 1960s / Early 1970s

LeRoy continued operating the resort with his wife, Flo (née Parnell), and their three children—Keith, Mike, and Arnita—while also adding a few primitive campsites. About this time a girl by the name of Lori Coyer (née Berger) and her family began coming to the resort annually.


Helia and her son, LeRoy, sold the burgeoning resort to her grandson, Gary Coyer, in August 1976. Gary purchased Cabin O’ Pines and immediately got to work making repairs, updating various parts of the property and building a new 8’ x 48’ floating main dock. Gary’s parents, Gene and Delores Coyer, were instrumental in helping him make lasting changes to the resort.

Man and woman with their cat and dog outside log cabin on Pelican Lake MN


Pic Above: Gary Coyer and Lori Coyer (née Berger), with their fur family on the doorstep of My Northern Home (Cabin #1)

In the tradition of Mike and Helia, Gary met Lori when she and her family stayed as guests of Cabin O’ Pines and as fate would have it they fell in love and got married. The Coyer’s soon had two children, Brittany Cooney (née Coyer) and Ross Coyer, making Cabin O’ Pines a true family resort. About this time the old Lone Star boats were beginning to show their age and were soon replaced by a new fleet of Lunds. The fish house was moved away from the beach and several old farm buildings were torn down, the grounds were cleaned up and everything received a fresh coat of paint. Gary added two new (8’ x 50’) sections of floating dock. The campground continued growing rapidly, with the addition of more camping sites, some with electricity.

Pic Above: A family portrait of Lori Coyer (née Berger) and Gary Coyer with their children, Brittany Cooney (née Coyer) and Ross Coyer (left to right). Location: Rock wall in front of Fishing pole swing.


Helia passed away at the wonderful age of 92. Her home, equipped with all the latest conveniences when built, was then remodeled to become our largest rental to date - Splitrock. Remodeling and updating the cabins continues to this day. Deluxe fishing boats and a Pontoon (the first on the lake) were added to the fleet of boats already available at Cabin O’ Pines. A recreational area in the form of a half-court basketball area was built. The boat house was torn down and replaced with a campsite just west of the beach (Lakesite #1).


Pic Above: Retired 1959 Allis-Chalmers Tractor

Full utilities were added to the campsites - Seasonal Camping at Cabin O' Pines was born. The Main Dock underwent a major expansion, featuring a large deck, multiple slips, and two flagpoles. Several cabins were remodeled, two new garages were built, and the playground was added. Plans to sell the resort fell through due to the recession, giving Ross more time to consider becoming the 5th Generation owner of the family business. A new skid steer was purchased to replace the old Allis-Chalmers Tractor.


Pic Above: The current Main Dock, originally built in 2008, has evolved over the years and was completed in 2023 with full slips and power pedestals.

Post U.S. recession, business was slower for a couple seasons. However, it did not take long for the hospitality industry in Minnesota to bounce back. During this time, Ross, just out of college, took on a larger role in managing the business. His growing passion for ownership sparked a transformative decade, marked by major infrastructure upgrades, cabin and facility renovations, an upgraded marine rental fleet (a regular theme at Cabin O' Pines) and significant advancements in marketing and technology. Throughout this period of growth, two generations worked side by side, blending experience with fresh ideas to carry the resort into the future.

Pic Above: The Yurt Village, under construction, Summer 2023.
Green Yurt at Cabin O' Pines Resort & Campground
Pic Above: Green Yurt, one of the three Yurts built in 2023, making the Yurt Village.
Bride and Groom in their wedding attire by Cabin O Pines sign in Northern Minnesota


Picture Above: Ross Coyer & Lara Coyer (née Turner) on their wedding day, July 14th, 2024, posing in front of front entrance sign.

A new campground loop was built in 2020, with a Yurt Village expansion in 2023. SplitRock’s basement was renovated, along with Pine Cone (Cabin #8). Journey’s End (Cabin #2), the second-oldest cabin, was completely restored. The newest cabin, The Palace in the Popple, was added as well as a 9-hole frisbee golf course and main dock and beach expansions. In 2023, breaking tradition with finding love at Cabin O' Pines, Ross met Lara Coyer (née Turner) under the London Bridge whilst on vacation. Seven months later, Ross and Lara were married on the main dock taking over the Resort as the 5th-generation.